Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Friend Herb

(Published on iSurf News on August 25, 2011) 

When I was in high school, I had an English teacher named Herbert Smith. Mr. Smith, or “Herbie” as we called him when he was not within earshot, was a jovial man, always smiling, laughing and having a wonderful time. Herbie was a tall, large man with a heart just as big. He was also bald. Well, nearly bald. He did have that ring of hair that runs right above his ears and around his head, but the majority of his head was hairless. He had the same hairstyle as my great-grandfather, what I like to call “Grandpa Hair”, so I thought of Herbie as a little more than just a teacher.

My best memory of Herbie was the day he came into class and started talking about the fact that he had just gotten a haircut. He ran his hand over his hair, what little he had, and announced, “I got a haircut.” I just couldn't resist. I piped up and said, “Herbie, which hair did you get cut?” He gave me the Herbie-Glare, slowly took out his grade book, ran his finger down the list of names as he eerily repeated my name over and over. When he found my name, he took his ink pen in hand and then he said, “Douglas...conduct...F.” The only “F” I have ever gotten in my life!! But it was so worth it.

I have such fond memories of Herbie roaming the halls of my old high school.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Epiphany

(Published on iSurf News on August 18, 2011)

I was a late bloomer when it came to going to college. There were so many things that I wanted to do, I couldn't decide what to do.

I finally decided that I was going to be a teacher and help young people learn, but as soon as I realized that I would probably be going to school the rest of my life, I decided to pursue another path. By the time I packed my little orange Toyota Corolla, which I called my “Pumpkin”, and headed off to college, I was 21-years-old.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dreaming The Dream

(Published on iSurf News on August 11, 2011)

When you are young, was there an ice cream truck that came through your neighborhood? Or did you have a neighborhood store that you could walk to on a hot summer day to get your favorite ice cream treat? If so, you were lucky. I had neither. 

I grew up in a rural area where the closest neighbor was a “good, loud holler away”. I always envied the kids that grew up in neighborhoods where they could ride their bikes up and down the sidewalks and where they could just run next door to play with their friends. Not only did I not have my own ice cream truck or a neighborhood store, I also did not have a sidewalk for riding my bike or a friend that lived close enough I could run next door.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keepin’ the Faith

(Published on iSurf News on August 4, 2011)

With the first Saturday in August being National Mustard Day, things will sure be hopping in downtown Middleton, Wisconsin.
The National Mustard Museum moved to its current location in 2009. Before that, it was located in Mouth Horeb, Wisconsin. The museum was founded by Barry Levenson after he started collecting mustards in 1986 while working as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Wisconsin. In 1991, Levenson abandoned his law career to pursue his passion of collecting mustards and mustard memorabilia full time.